Chinook's Health Info |
Birthdate |
January 17, 2015 |
Color |
Black smoke / white |
Ultrasound |
All measurements within normal limits - no evidence of congenital heart disease.
April 2020, 2018, 2017, 2016 |
HCM DNA report |
DNA Negative parents |
Negative 2015 |
Father |
Coonificent Gizmo |
Mother |
Cloistercoon Venus in Bluejeans |
Batman's Info |
Birthdate |
March 15, 2003 |
Status |
Neutered |
HCM DNA report |
Both parents are Negative for the HCM MyBPC3 mutation |
Pedigree |
Atticus's Health Info |
Birthdate |
Dec 29, 2008 |
Color |
brown classic tabby |
Status |
Neutered |
HCM DNA report |
Both parents are Negative for the HCM mutation |
Father |
Mainelyclassic Night Stalker |
Mother |
Windwalker Mistral |
On this page we feature our retired, neutered, breeding boys. Some are placed with families that adore them. Some are still here with us. For pictures of our neutered girls, click here. |
Windwalker Triller |
Triller retired in December 2019. He has an easy-going, pleasant personality and as his name suggests, is a very talkative boy, making that wonderful "trill" that some, but not all, Maine Coons do..
Triller gave us several litters, passing on his heavy boning, huge head and upright ears with long lynx tips. He has a strong muzzle, a gentle curve to his profile, great conformation and nice, straight hind legs.
Triller is one year old in the picture at left.
Triller was the 11th Best Longhair Cat in 2017 and is a TICA Champion. |
Windwalker Summit |
Summit is retired and lives with his own family, and with Momentum, who was his "wife."
He is very sweet and smart. He holds out his right paw to shake hands, then holds up his left paw to give "high five." He was six months old in the picture at left.
In 2014, Summit was TICA's
Best Brown Classic Tabby Maine Coon and was an International Winner: 24th Best Kitten of all breeds of all kittens shown that year.
In the Mid-Pacific region, Summit was 4th Best Kitten and 6th Best Cat! The next show year, 2015, he placed in the top ten cats shown that year in the Mid-Pacific region, thus earning TICA's Lifetime Achievement award.

Summit is 18 months old in the picture at right. His body is very solid and dense and he weighs 22 pounds. As a "whole" male, his head is broadening so his ears are further apart and not quite as straight up as they were in the picture above.

At left, Summit is four months old, showing his "show cat" potential because everything about him is an extreme version of the Maine Coon standard. As he develops, these things become less pronounced, but still clearly awesome.
Below, Tenaya, Summit, Whitney, Rainier, 11 weeks old.
Cloistercoon Chinook of Windwalker |
Chinook is one year old above and six months old in the picture at left. He is a beautiful example of a black smoke with white color. He retired from breeding in March 2018 and now lives happily in his own home, with his own family, in Washington DC.
Chinook has a sweet personality, a very strong muzzle and chin, ears set nicely on his head and a perfect, gently curved profile.
Chinook is a Supreme Grand Champion and a Regional Winner.
In 2016 he was the Sixth BEST CAT, Best Maine Coon, and 18th BEST KITTEN in the Mid-Pacific Region.
Internationally, Chinook was the BEST BLACK SMOKE/WHITE KITTEN shown in the 2015/16 show year. |
Windwalker Kensington |
Kenzie is a
Supreme Grand Champion
and International Winner (IW), (one of the top 25 kittens in the world).
TICA 19th Best International Kitten
In the Mid-Pacific region in 2011/12, he was 3rd BEST KITTEN and Fifth BEST CAT.
Kenzie has a very strong muzzle, and a deep strong chin. He has a hard, muscled body and a beautiful head, with nicely-shaped eyes, ears set well on his head, and a gently curved profile.
Kenzie retired in 2014. He gave us strong, healthy kittens with fabulous personalities, as affectionate, intelligent and personable as he is.

In the picture at right he is four years old.
In the picture below he is three months old.

Kensington says, "The most interesting man in the world drinks Dos Equis, but the most interesting kitten in the world recommends Windwalker Cabernet!" Here's our buddy, posing with a wine from Windwalker, the winery after which our cattery is named. |
Windwalker Wonder (Watch Wonder mature - one to 10 years) |
Easy-going and charming, Wonder is eight years old in the picture above. A TICA Supreme Grand Champion and International Winner, Wonder is also a CFA Grand Champion. He is very well-balanced, with a lovely head, large well-set ears with long, thick lynx tips, nicely-shaped eyes and a strong, square muzzle. His chin is deep, his profile gently curved, and his body is long, solid and muscular. Wonder gave us wonderful kittens and was neutered at four years old so he lives happily in the house with us. |
Broadsway Wellington of Windwalker |
This sweet goofy guy weighed 22 pounds at six years old in the picture at left, and 22 pounds in 2017 at 11. We had to put him in a room when people came to get kittens, because they always say "Never mind, can we just take Wellington?"
Wellington was a Supreme Grand Champion. In the picture below, Wellington is almost 14 and Panama is almost 11 years old He and Panama are always together. He was Panama's "rock" and I always worried that Panama would be lost without him.
On June 24, 2020, he spent the cool morning in his favorite places in his yard. Then we said his name and told him we loved him as his vet helped his soul leave his body, which could no longer support it.
Now their ashes are mingled together. Until we see you again, our brave, beautiful Wellington. You brightened our life.

Mainelyclassic Panama of Windwalker |

Panama is one year old in this picture. In 2012, he was neutered after giving us 24 wonderful kittens. On July 22, 2019 we held him as our vet helped him leave this world. The last thing he heard was my voice softly saying his name, "Nama, Nama, Nama."
Every cat in our home has its song which I sing to them. After they're gone, I can never sing it again. As cats do, Panama hid the signs of the tumor in his intestines, spleen and kidney. He's always preferred the company of Wellington and didn't care to be picked up, but he'd lost weight, was severely dehydrated and had a fever of 105. Our vet worried that the intestinal tumor may have caused leakage, which means septicemia. It wasn't a question of if, but when, and Panama wasn't ever going to feel good again.
Panama was just 11 years old. Now his soul is free and he's the wild, red kitty we loved so much. |
Windwalker Tatanka Iyotanka |
"Tank" is four months old in the picture above, and two years old in the picture at right. He has the gentle, sweet personality of Wonder, his father, and the intelligence of Acadia, his mother. He looks just like Wonder, and has Wonder's same mannerisms.
Tank is supremely happy now, living with his own person in a home that is all his own. (Tatanka Iyotanka was Sitting Bull's Sioux name.) |
Windwalker Batman |
Batman, "Batters, " was supremely happy for nine years with his people, until July 2018, when he was diagnosed with cancer. When he let them know in the subtle ways that cats have, that it was time to leave them, his family helped him do his favorite things and be in his favorite places one last time. Missy sat with him a long time the last night. Rebus gave him nose kisses. The last day he gradually, peacefully left them.
His people say, "He was such a beautiful, communicative, loving, and noble being. He was a prince among Windwalkers. We are so appreciative and incredibly lucky to have had him and Holly for so many wonderful years."
TICA Supreme Grand Champion
id Pacific 10th Best Kitten 2004
Mid Pacific 17h Best Cat 2004
Mid Pacific Region 9th Best Longhair Cat 2004
Windwalker Atticus |
Atticus is two years old in this picture. He sired two wonderful litters and our Christmas 2010 gift to him was a new home, where he will be loved and cared for all his life, running through the house with with a couple of other Windwalker cats and sitting on Andy's lap watching the football game.
There will always be a special place in our hearts for Atticus, who was a "singleton" kitten. See the Atticus Diary for pictures of him growing up.
Atticus is a TICA Double Grand Champion and
TICA Mid Pacific Region 2010 17th Best Kitten and
16th Best Longhair Cat |
Windwalker Edison Carter |
Born December, 2010 from Windwalker Atticus (above), and Windwalker Kiara, Edison Carter is pictured at left at nine weeks old. When he was four months old, at the cat show in Seattle, he was one of the Top Ten Cats in Show in all 12 rings.
Then he went to friends who have several older cats from us. This is what they say about him:
Edison Carter is 15 - pounds that is. At ten months, he is developing into the most beautiful boy. ...what an expressive face.
He is absolutely the most perfect cat for our household. He is everyone's friend. He's even gotten our persnickety older rescue cat more out of her shell. He and Rory have a good wrestle nearly every day and Rory loves it. Edison is also an absolute goofball. He can be so funny just with being playful and interested in everything. He did have his first two conquests last week. First was a fly which I got away from him before he ate it. Second was a big vase. Art teases me that I don't get mad at him. Ah, if you have animal companions, don't get attached to stuff.